
show prefix: Hypersweet, but I used to use various other things before settling on it
owner name in game: "Sami @ Hypersweet", though sometimes it might be simply "Sami" if I mess up
email: samipiplup/@// (remove slashes)

bred petz rules
is renaming okay?: Yes
is gender swapping okay?: Yes
is brexing/eyelid hexing okay?: Yes
do you prefer return, mpa, or deleting if no longer wanted?: From most preferred to least, MPA > return > delete.  I'm fine with any, but I vastly prefer if you don't delete!
are playdates okay?: Yes
etc: All petz are for P5 unless otherwise stated!

hexed petz rules
is renaming okay?: Yes
is gender swapping okay?: Yes
is brexing/eyelid hexing okay?: Small edits like eyelids and eye color are allowed, but please ask me before anything bigger.
do you prefer return, mpa, or deleting if no longer wanted?: Return is preferred, but I'm also fine with MPA as long as you try to contact me beforehand so I can track owners!  Please never delete.
are playdates okay?: Yes
etc: Feel free to study my code as much as you like, but don't copy anything exactly!


Which pet do you want?:

What will you use them for?:

Email this form filled out to

Oasis X Badger: Berry Pups #1

The pups of two of my crew members! Inbred, but only because their mother was also inbred. Gen 399 but mostly Dalmatian and Lab! Some were bred with an OW in, some weren't. Interestingly, some came out with pink ears and feet without brexing.


Aspear ~ Cheri ~ Chesto ~ Leppa

Oran ~ Pecha ~ Persim ~ Rawst
